Well, for those of us trying home-built HVAC generators, I'd like to report on
a promising modification.

I make my CS (lately) by the HVAC method using a 9kv neon transformer and a jug
that holds about 3/4 gal of distilled water.
Following all the talk that the 36vdc folk were doing concerning current
limiting, I wondered if it would apply to the HVAC protocol also.

1. We surmise that, all things being equal, clear sol is better than colored
sol because particle size is smaller and thus more effective.
2. Someone (I think it was Marshal) said process temperature kept lower
produced the smallest particle size.
3. Current kept in the range of <3 ma durring generation produced small
particle size.
4. It is the nature of neon transformers to self limit in the range of 30 ma.

My normal setup would be to run for 2 hours with the 9 kv xfmer. It would
produce golden CS and the jug would be almost too hot to handle right away.

My modification was to put 10 megs of resistance in the circuit.

The result was a smaller cone on the short electrode, practically no
temperature rise of the sol, no color change of the sol, and a run of 7 hrs in
length before I ended it. I get a strong tyndall but right now I can't detect a
taste change.
Rather than trying to create a constant current generator I started with the
simplest limiter, a resistance.  5x2megx2watt!
I have no idea of ppm. My TDS1 read 001 before and after the generation.

Back off, man--I'm a scientist 

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