Amazing insights, Dan


From: Dan Nave <>
Sent: Friday, November 9, 2012 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: CS>anxiety and stress

As a software engineer, you may relate to this perspective.

The brain can be considered to be a biological computer.  What we
think of as our personality and identify with most of the time is
nothing more than what amounts to a software program, self
perpetuating and rather arbitrarily put together.  When it is
stimulated, it tends to run its automatic processes (ie: uncertainty
and/or fear produces stress and anxiety).  What maintains this
structure is our "internal dialogue,"  what we say to ourselves over
and over in our minds.  If you interrupt that process by calming the
mind and not grasping onto those thoughts you can also interrupt the
automatic cascade of physical symptoms.  One good way, and probably
the best way initially, is to let the mind rest on (be aware of) the
breathing rather than resting on the internal dialogue.  If the mind
gets caught up in the dialogue, that is OK, just realize it and bring
the attention back to the breathing.  Observe any thoughts you have
and let them go on without grasping (mentally) onto them.  This will
tend to quiet the mind and short circuit the automatic complexes that
have been operating.

Many difficult and unpleasant things can arise in the mind.  All can
be observed and looked at without problem.  They will appear and pass
on.  The only problem is in grasping onto them which strengthens them
and keeps them in the mind.  In reality "Fear" is a phantasm.

The core of what many consider to be "us" in a spiritual sense is
pre-thought, particularly pre-verbal thought, and before
discrimination and judgement.  That core does not fear or judge it is
merely aware and experiencing, it is more like the awareness of an
infant.  This is the master.  The personality is due to acquired
conditioning (an acquired software program) and should be the servant.
Because of its undisciplined state it has reversed roles and the
servant has become the master.  Quieting the internal dialogue is the
ticket.  Also, the implication is that "you" are not your acquired
conditioning, and that conditioning can be changed or brought under

Just some thoughts.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Alan Jones <> wrote:
> My world has been turned upside down.  After nearly 30 years at the same
> company, where I always got stellar performance reviews and incredible
> raises, bonuses and stock options, all of a sudden, without warning, I am
> told I make too much money and my employment is in immediate jeopardy (I'm a
> software engineer).
> If this wasn't bad enough, my body is responding with extreme stress and
> anxiety, which are severely affecting my ability to function in my job, let
> alone life.
> My wife has some anxiety pills which I have been taking, which help a bit.
> I hate drugs, however, and am looking for other options.  I would think that
> some effective hypnosis program would be useful to get this under control,
> but so far haven't found anything that looks effective.
> Any help is appreciated...
> --
> Alan Jones
> "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
> prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
> to the people."  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

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