Thank you so much for all your thoughtful responses and 
warnings about vaccinations.  I DO agree with every one of you; the quotes I 
used were what the medical people or medical believers said, not what I 
believe...  Personally I believe vaccinations are downright evil.
This baby's twin died and it was determined to 
be SIDS.  It was 11 days after a vaccine, longer than some and "perhaps" a 
coincidence, but you will never convince me of that.  Since way before these 
babies were born, I was filing away article after article and purchasing DVDs, 
etc. on this subject.  
Yes, you can opt out in all states (at the moment) but 
this doesn't apply to my situation.  Without going into the whole ugly 
story (and believe me, it is ugly), for now my grandson is in my temporary 
care.  I have put things off as long as I am able but honestly do not have any 
choice in this matter; otherwise, this would never happen.  
I have been researching, hoping to find different ways to hopefully 
counteract the ill effects of vaccines and have been mostly unsuccessful.  

In the meantime, I have a Silver Gen which I normally forget to use but 
have begun to use again.  Lately my grandson is very raspy sounding and has 
difficulty breathing at night.  Currently I am just guessing with amounts to 
give him.
I absolutely appreciate your advice about not giving vaccines and totally 
AGREE with ALL of you who responded , but I have run out of options unless a 
miracle descends.  But can you help me with the Colloidal Silver so at least I 
can help him get better before what I am dreading?
Thanks again,

Suggestions for Baby?VALERIE
                Thursday, December 6, 2012 9:54 PM
            "vicki hood" <>


Valerie,  Begging you to please not vaccinate.  I lost my step 
grandson (3months old) 3 days after a vaccine.  When you read ingredients 
mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, dried sheeps blood, animal pus, MSG and other 
disgusting  cross species ingredients,  think how this will 
destroy the immune system.  My almost stepson visited the coroner and was 
told to get out of her face.  Parent support group for SIDS  parents 
(10 sets of parents)  .  Every one of those babies had a vaccine no 
more than 5 days before they died.  Not one baby reached any 
statistics.  yOU CANNOT BE FORCED TO VACCiNATE.   Nothing in the 
constitution that says government can put a foeign substance in your 
body.   Follow the money train.  Big pharma is beyond anything 
immaginable.  Much written by doctors who have delved into the question 
written in available to opt out if you want to 
present this to school.  Good reading but google anti vaccine sites.  
PS studied this many years as i have MS from a vaccine in 1972-3 maybe.  I 
have stayed away from big pharma as i know better now.  I will do 
anti-biotics if absolutely necessary.  Get a broken bone fixed or just 
absolutes.  --------------You lost your babies twin and suspect 
vaccine? Google other mothers who have lost their babies from a 
vaccine.   Know someone with an auto immune disease?  ask if 
onset was right after a vaccine.  That's cancers, Lupus, MS, arthritus, 
flu, encephalitus and many others.   You could lose your other 
child.  Tell them to put that needle where the sun don't shine. Not 
one vaccine.  Read, discuss and don't believe in the money hungry big 