There's a movie called 'Fat Sick and Nearly Dead'. An overweight Austrailian does a juice fast, on a trip across America. It can be watched free on Hulu. -----Original Message----- From: M.G. Devour Sent: Tuesday, 05 February, 2013 15:36 To: silver-list Subject: CS>Juice fasts...
Hi folks,

Seeing as how quiet things have been for several days, I'd like to toss
a subject into the ring...

Anybody got experience or observed others doing juice fasts or other
variants on a mostly to all raw veggie, nut, fruit diet, with perhaps
just a little dairy/eggs/fish thrown in? I'm talking on the order of 80%
raw or more?

What's the longest pure juice fast you've done or seen?

Areas I'm most interested in are how they handled willpower issues,
getting along with immediate family, excellent resources, and I don't
know what else?

There's a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" on Hulu that
offers some good inspiration. Any other media, books, websites?

What sort of results have you seen and what kind of conditions have
shown improvement... or not?


Be well,

Mike D.

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