

     I was a strict macrobiotic while living in Boston going to college.
Studied with Michio Kushi for several years.  Some of the things they
practice make sense!





From: Lena Guyot [mailto:drumr...@stny.rr.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 3:46 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Juice fasts...



I'll ruminate on that! =)

In macrobiotics, they always said 'chew your drink and drink your food'.


Be well,


On Feb 6, 2013, at 6:38 PM, Bob Banever wrote:

Hi Nenah,


     Yes it’s true some people do worse with a raw food diet, vegetarian or
otherwise.  It is most important to chew our food well so as to warm and
digest most of it before it goes into the stomach.  It becomes much easier
for us to assimilate that way and places less stress on our body.   If
everyone would simply masticate their food 20, 30 or more times before
swallowing we would have a more peaceful world.  





From: Nenah Sylver [mailto:nenahsyl...@cox.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:17 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Juice fasts...


Bob wrote: Juice fasts can be very beneficial for those who are overheating
or have too much fire or yang. Many people are like that which is why juice
fasting can be so beneficial. I would agree that cold, and empty yin
conditions would not benefit or might get worse. Certainly eating cold food
such as ice cream, smoothies, etc are never beneficial except in those
people who might temporarily benefit from eating cold and/or raw food.
Generally, eating a balance of raw/cooked food is good for everyone. It is
always important to chew your food well and eat organically raised food as
much as possible. Chewing “cooks” the food before it goes down and enzymes
in the food and saliva break it down further. 



I completely agree with you about raw food being cold to the body. I love
blending my salads and adore leafy green salads, but I always feel better
when I eat cooked meat and some cooked veggies too.


This is one reason I take issue with raw foodists (or any dogmatic position
on what one “should” be eating). In my experience, most raw foodists have
acted as though that way of eating will help everyone, and that if you can’t
do it, keep on doing it until you feel better.


But some people NEVER get better from a completely raw diet, especially a
raw vegetarian diet. 

