Nenah Sylver wrote:

They work! They are called Can C Eye Drops, and here’s the info:

Didn't work for me, sadly. It is possible I didn't use them consistently enough long enough, but I started out faithfully following instructions, then as time went on with no improvement, I got sloppy with using them. I also tried several other things mentioned on this list--CS with MSM, CS with DMSO, coconut oil IN the eyes, flaxseed oil IN the eyes, straight DMSO (only did one eye with that, it was WAY too painful!). I believe I successfully slowed the progression of the cataracts somewhat, but they never cleared. At one point I thought there was significant improvement, but that turned out to be a misinterpretation on my part of what the optometrist told me. I forget how long I kept up my efforts, but eventually I went ahead with cataract surgery. My post surgery vision isn't perfect, I still have to wear glasses, esp for close vision. If my eyes weren't so dry, and if I didn't have so many floaters from vitreous detachments in both eyes, it would, I'm sure be much better. But I can use binoculars much better now, can see so much better for watching birds which is my main hobby. And colors! I had a rust brown sweater for years, when I got it out to wear post surgery, imagine my surprise to find out it was actually a burgundy red!

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