I make an allergy tea for my boyfriend with  great results. Every year his
allergies get better and better. I also sell it at my local farmers market
and get really good feedback. Its made of equal parts:

Stinging nettle
Ginko biloba

Take one cup tea a day for preventive.  And twice daily or as needed for
accute attacks. Add tablespoon of local honey like Lena says. Always better
if any or all of the herbs are grown locally.

Good luck!

On Apr 3, 2013 2:57 PM, "Lena Guyot" <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:

> Hi Pat,
> If allergies are about local pollens, eating raw local honey can help the
> body cope. As a retired beekeeper, I've noticed this really works, but it
> has to be LOCAL, from the same flowers, trees, and grasses that aggravate.
> When we travel, to any new place for more than a week, I get the local
> honey from that area.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Apr 3, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Pat wrote:
> Anybody home?
> Does anyone have a great help for allergy problems besides vitamin D and
> the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C?  I used to have horrible allergies
> years ago, but mine are pretty good now.  My daughter and husband are
> suffering (even after using these supplements and Allegra.)
> Pat