If I've been close to someone who has a gastrointestinal disease, I start 
dosing myself heavily so I won't come down with it.  If I have an ounce or more 
of colloidal silver a few times a day, I get a bit of a tummy upset or pain.  
Then I wonder if I've caught the disease or if it's from the CS.  The mind can 
make me so afraid that I feel mild symptoms, but I never actually catch that 
kind of disease.  

However, I caught a throat and lung thing from my baby granddaughter recently 
(she's had so many illnesses which she picked up at day care... she was never 
sick a day until two days after she started day care at six months.)  Her 
parents both got it, too.  I held it off from getting full blown for a couple 
weeks by drinking (swishing the CS/Gatorade mix as long as I could, then 
swallowing) and nebulizing CS.  I had laryngitis and a little throat 
discomfort, but didn't really feel too bad.  Finally, I started coughing a lot 
at night.  The doc said it had been a virus, but was now a bacterial infection 
in the lungs and one ear.  She said it was going around a lot.  The amoxicillin 
knocked it out in two days.
