I have a friend who has colitis would taking c/s help?

 From: dAVId <dhall...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT-LDN

My spin on LDN, I have been using it some six years for chronic leukemia, it 
modulates the immune system, morning or night dosage is acceptable. I do 
morning as nightmares were more then I could handle,  In my case it raised my 
white blood cells from three thousand to four thousand.  Improved my 
lymphocytes and neutriphils significantly, that is via lab tests.  For some 
folks it raises portion of the immune system and others it lowers where parts 
of the immune system is overactive.  4mgs is close to the upper level dosage.
I read in colitis, and some system inflammation may be caused by too many 
neutriphils which attack pathogens and cause a lot of inflammation. Personally 
I take curcumin curcuminoids for inflammation, systemic, works well
and protects some from overactive neutriphils. MD Anderson recommends Dr.'s 
Best for reasons I do not know.
But it really helps me.  
It takes me five days to rev up, to max numbers on my immune system, and five 
days to come back for my immune system. Some folks have to adjust their dosage 
to suit their best health and some have to go to every other day dosage.  
Naltrexone, ie LDN, excites the immune system, then must clear the body, then 
hopefully do it again the next day. But if your body is not clearing it out, 
then space out dosage. Doing that must be done through trial and error.  I am 
extremely fortunate, it just keeps on working at 4mgs for me.  david lubbock 

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Jaxi Schulz <jaxi.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

I will send you info tonight from home (am at work right now).  If I forget 
(yeah getting to be that age) please send me a reminder later this evening.  
There are like three thousand some emails in my gmail inbox despite me deleting 
about 200 a day so sometimes things get lost for me too. 
>On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:31 AM, PT Ferrance <ptf2...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>Thanks, Jaxi.  Would you give me the name of the list and website?  I read to 
>take it in the am but actually would rather take it at night.  I'm taking it 
>for Fibro/Myofascial Pain Complex and general systemic inflammation.
>> From: Jaxi Schulz <jaxi.sch...@gmail.com>
>>To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 12:07 PM
>>Subject: Re: CS>OT-LDN
>>LDN helps your own body's immune system work better.  It is typically NOT a 
>>fast change but a more gradual one over a few weeks to months depending on 
>>what you are treating.  I am using it for ulcerative colitis and chronic back 
>>pain.  It also helped with allergies and other GI issues.  I saw a slow 
>>improvement such that by the time I was using it for 6 months I was able to 
>>slowly get off all the other meds (and there were a LOT of them) to the point 
>>where LDN is the only med I currently take.  I take 4 mg at night before bed. 
>> The early info indicated night time between about 10 pm and 1 am was the 
>>ideal time to take it.  Currently they are more flexible with that and there 
>>are even some doing 2 times a day dosing but I forget what specific issues 
>>that was meant to address.  The LDN list was too busy for me so I went to web 
>>only for that one and no longer get the daily emails.  
>>Good luck,
>>On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:57 AM, PT Ferrance <ptf2...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>>So I have my LDN and took 1.5 ml this morning.  My question is, how do I 
>>>know if it is working to remove systemic inflammation?  In what ways do 
>>>people feel better and how long does it take to take effect?