Okay, that sounds like something *you* could do. :-)   I might try that.
I don't have my EIS maker set up yet. I have a LM334Z that will limit current if I can find a 68 ohm resistor. I am so slow. Of course, I golf a lot.
If I am using 1 ma in a 1500 ml glass jar at 30 v, how long do I run it to get optimum quality EIS? Is there a test to see how good it is? If I just let it run for 24 hours or 2 days, is that a problem?
On 11/10/2013 5:36 AM, Neville Munn wrote:
I can only say what *I* would do in such a circumstance.

*IF* the top can be removed/scraped or whatever exposing raw flesh, I would make a batch of EIS and and spray it over the area, then I would soak something to put over it with same freshly made EIS, then I would bandage the thumb, wetting the area of the bandage which directly covers the site with same freshly made EIS and leave bandage on for at least three (3) days, wetting bandage over the area occasionally to prevent it from drying out.

I did this with toenail fungus and it fixed that.  I did it for a few weeks from memory, of course I may have killed it well before then, don't know cos toenails grow soooooooo slow before I was able to observe definite recovery.

I would repeat the aforesaid if I considered it was warranted, but I wouldn't cover it with something that doesn't breath or allow air through the bandage.

Just my opinion and suggestion of course <g>.  I'd be thinking it can't hurt to try.

Afterthought:  You may have already fixed it with the hydrogen peroxide maybe, only time will tell?


Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 20:39:33 -0400
From: joe.hu...@primus.ca
Subject: CS>thumb eczema

Hi group,
I have had this spongiform dermatitis on my left thumb for over 6 years. It consists of dead skin on top. I peel it off after a shower. Last Saturday, Oct. 5/13, I applied a light layer of Amazon Black Topical Salve over the whole infected area. Boy, was that a mistake. It was very sore all night, and I removed the bandage the next evening. It has 3 areas of inflammation (the dark spots), Which I got to drain last evening, Oct. 9/13. This photo showing white spots was after soaking in hydrogen peroxide for a couple of hours. That made it seriously sore again, but the pain stopped after it dried.
What I need to know, is what can I do to defeat this. Does anyone have a hint?

Joe H.
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