
You have already put the black salve on this and it has done it's job,

Definitely, do not scratch it off.

Let it run it's course as you would for a normal use of black salve.
Perhaps apply 3% hydrogen peroxide over it for a short time once a day to
keep it sterilized and then bandage.  Let it take it's course and see how
it heals.

If you want to do something proactive, buy some of the 3 clay mix from
Eyton's Earth and do clay poultices on it as well.


On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:36 AM, Neville Munn <>wrote:

> I can only say what *I* would do in such a circumstance.
> *IF* the top can be removed/scraped or whatever exposing raw flesh, I
> would make a batch of EIS and and spray it over the area, then I would soak
> something to put over it with same freshly made EIS, then I would bandage
> the thumb, wetting the area of the bandage which directly covers the site
> with same freshly made EIS and leave bandage on for at least three (3)
> days, wetting bandage over the area occasionally to prevent it from drying
> out.
> I did this with toenail fungus and it fixed that.  I did it for a few
> weeks from memory, of course I may have killed it well before then, don't
> know cos toenails grow soooooooo slow before I was able to observe definite
> recovery.
> I would repeat the aforesaid if I considered it was warranted, but I
> wouldn't cover it with something that doesn't breath or allow air through
> the bandage.
> Just my opinion and suggestion of course <g>.  I'd be thinking it can't
> hurt to try.
> Afterthought:  You may have already fixed it with the hydrogen peroxide
> maybe, only time will tell?
> N.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 20:39:33 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: CS>thumb eczema
> Hi group,
> I have had this spongiform dermatitis on my left thumb for over 6 years.
> It consists of dead skin on top. I peel it off after a shower. Last
> Saturday, Oct. 5/13, I applied a light layer of Amazon Black Topical Salve
> over the whole infected area. Boy, was that a mistake. It was very sore all
> night, and I removed the bandage the next evening. It has 3 areas of
> inflammation (the dark spots), Which I got to drain last evening, Oct.
> 9/13. This photo showing white spots was after soaking in hydrogen peroxide
> for a couple of hours. That made it seriously sore again, but the pain
> stopped after it dried.
> What I need to know, is what can I do to defeat this. Does anyone have a
> hint?
> Joe H.
>  I've linked 1 file to this email:
>  thumb.jpg <>(508 KB)Ubuntu 
> One<>
>  Mozilla Thunderbird <> makes it easy to
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