Thanks David!
I'm so encouraged by group's response. There's an answer out there, and we'll 
find it!
As my favorite mom&pop hardware store used to say, 'Together we can do it 
Be well,
On Dec 16, 2013, at 11:13 PM, dAVId wrote:

> Wow, Lena, I did a search on google, seems it has been discontinued, or so 
> about five places had zero on hand, seen discussion, they changed formula for 
> animal to vege, "yam".  Getting late for me, so will check around tomorrow.
> david lubbock tx. 
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:22 PM, Lena Guyot <> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> For several years, I have used Bezwecken's IsoCort to support my adrenals 
> that had been pretty much fried by decades of Lyme. I've gone from dragging 
> listlessly to feeling energetic and can-do by slowly ramping up to 4 pellets 
> a day. The top dose is 8 pellets a day, but I've done well on 4. IsoCort has 
> supported my adrenals and in doing that, things pointing to thyroid issues 
> have eased. I've been very happy with this product.
> Hair-on-fire HELP!
> It's now not available! Everyone's out of stock! Rumors of recall. Dunno 
> what's going on. I have one bottle left, but it won't last forever and I'm 
> wondering what else works in a similar fashion for some of you out there who 
> may be supporting your poor adrenals.
> I'd be so grateful to go into the new year knowing I've got my future 
> supplies covered somehow. 
> If anyone knows what's going on; if this situation temporary, or, if not, 
> what works like Isocort, I'd  really appreciate whatever info you have.
> Darn! One gets a system that works and then someone 'fixes' it! Hardly seems 
> fair. Thanks for any help you can offer.
> Be well,
> Léna