Well it appears I can read every other article in that rag but not that 
particular article, I have to subscribe to read that one, so if one needs to 
subscribe to read a particular article then it's not worth reading for me.  If 
it's a 'secret squirrel' article whereby one needs to know the secret handshake 
to access it, it must be either BS or they don't want the mass International 
population reading it because it's true.
Either way I don't need to read it as I'm satisfied with my understanding of 
the product I produce so it doesn't matter a great deal to me.  Any article 
published for mass perusal is only a way of dividing the populations opinions 
and beliefs and to cause confusion among the people while they work out a way 
to patent some magical potion of which is in all likelihood will be less 
effective and different in production method to what we make for nothing in our 
kitchens using little old LVDC.
I personally would rather see a different definition of 'nano particle' to 
differentiate EIS from CS.  In days of old it was powdered silver constituting 
nano particles, or HVAC production method perhaps, or other products which 
contain more than just DW and silver, our LVDC production method is vastly 
different to that, and that is why I don't really class my product as a 'nano 
particle' product, which is also why I don't term it CS because by accepted 
literature definition it is not a CS product, and that is what differentiates 
EIS from CS.
Chemistry books may describe at length what happens with 'nano particles' of 
silver when in the blood stream or in the body or stomach but I don't believe 
those same books can adequately describe what happens when our product enters 
the blood stream or body.  I must consider that not one article I have read in 
ten years of my research describes what happens when *OUR* EIS enters the body, 
they all reference substances of a different composition and which contain more 
than just silver ions and atomic ion clusters in pure DW as produced using low 
voltage electrolysis?  It's a no brainer to me.
Again, each to their own determinations, conclusions and opinions on all silver 
related preparations based on suitable researched literature available which 
satisfies that individual, coupled with personal experiences in the use and 
application thereof.


From: roni...@sbcglobal.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 09:20:12 -0600
Subject: CS>Fw: Chicago Tribune

----- Original Message ----- 
From: roni...@sbcglobal.net 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 9:14 AM
Subject: Chicago Tribune

Front page of Sundays Tribune


"""It also says nano-sized silver isn't new and has been in continual use for 
more than a century. Nanoscale silver products have been safely used in 
pools and drinking water purification since the 1970s, said Rosalind Volpe, 
executive director of the Silver Nanotechnology Working Group.

"It's the most sustainable and by now the most researched and safest biocide 
technology on the market," said Carlo Centonze, CEO of the Swiss company HeiQ, 
which produces nano-sized silver, primarily for use in medical products."""

