Firstly, they don't stipulate what form of silver preparation they refer to?  
And being an establishment article they would not be referencing the product we 
Secondly, most people who ingest the stuff we produce certainly wouldn't 
measure their intake by 'drops', they just guzzle a mouthful or take a glass or 
use some other measure.  
By measuring in 'drops' they cannot be referring to the preparation we produce, 
so that article would only refer to the purchased silver preparation and 
consequently means nothing to me <g>.
If they were to stipulate *what* form of silver preparation was being ingested 
it may have more relevance and could be useful information, but seeing as I 
know they do not reference the preparation we make, and they omit to identify 
the product they are referring to, it means nothing to me.
Just my opinion and response in the nicest possible way <BG>.

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:04:32 -0500
Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 6:13 AM, Ode Coyote <> wrote:

At 06:18 PM 3/10/2014 -0400, you wrote:

I hear so many
different opinions of how much Colloidal Silver is safe to take


Is there any REAL evidence that 8 ounces a day or
more is dangerous for a long period of time?  Perhaps months or
longer as there is a medical need.

At 20 PPM and under there is no absolute limit where the silver consumed
is as dangerous as that much water.

There are always 'special cases' and it may be vaguely possible to turn
blue if you do it for years, but if it's is better than


Also, when making Colloidal Silver, do you have to
re-wash the quart jars you make the silver in each time or can they just
be rinsed out with the Distilled water and then on to the next

Only you have a problem with a batch


I am using those brown gallon jugs with the pumps that the original
silver came in when I purchased it to store my homemade brew  and
there is not way of getting a brush in them to clean them. I just refill
them with my homemade silver.  Is this

  No need to use colored glass...unless you use salt or baking soda
in your process.


Finally, I would like to make a gallon at a time as I
have about 9 people I am making this brew for.  Could I

use a gallon jar instead of a quart jar?  

The generator knows nothing about water that isn't between the

Two problems..getting all the water to go between the electrodes.

...making large batches wit a small generator spends a lot more time at
the higher anything that can happen...that's when it
will happen.

If you use part of a previous batch to "seed" the next, making
4 quarts is actually faster than making a gallon.

 Any batch can be 'topped off' with more water to replace what you
used and run up to PPM again, pretty quick.


And if not, what would be a good Silver maker to buy
that makes a gallon at a time.

This is the one I use. [well..the prototype of that one]


Thank you so very much
for your help.



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