Thank-you both!
On Thursday, May 22, 2014 5:26 AM, Ode Coyote <> wrote:

  1% Lindane in skin moisturizing lotion

2 applications on consecutive nights, no more scabies.
Was prescription, now OTC

I've seen 100 % Lindane at farmers supply houses.


At 03:36 PM 5/22/2014 +0800, you wrote:

You might look at the homeopathic
remedy Psorinum.
>Or frequencies for scabies e.g. Frex on
>On 2/05/2014 5:42 AM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
>I was just contacted by a friend I
haven't talk to in awhile. She had been working in a nursing home doing
hair comb out's. 
>>She caught Norwegian scabies and has tried many different medications,
borax, different oils etc.
>>She had to put down two dog's because they could not help them. 
>>Has anyone had personal experience with this and been successful in
getting rid of the scabies.
>>I worked for a ambulance co. for years and everyone laughed at me for
wearing gloves all the time...sure am glad I did now.
>>Thanks in advance,

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