Mahvalus Malcolm,
I didn't really expect to hear from anybody that knew about it first hand.
Well I won't try it unless my temperature goes up which tells me the infection is serious and that the bacteria (which will always be present) have reached 'critical mass'. Gotta get away from antibiotics somehow. My urologist? I asked him by leaving the question with his office. He did not even return my call.
In the meantime I'll try steam distilled water.


On 5/25/2014 3:50 PM, Malcolm wrote:
Hey Ron,
I've had a neurogenic bladder for 49 years, spinal cord injury.  I tried
CS into the bladder through my cath - Not a good idea, stung like crazy
and did no good for the infection.  I later discussed this with my
urologist who told me flat out, don't do it, it doesn't work.
Word to the wise.  I know, YMMV, but I doubt it.
Consider also that most of the antibiotics reach the bladder through the
bloodstream, i.e. from the outside, and one of the most effective
irrigations is plain PURE STERILE water which gets the bugs through
osmotic pressure - blows them up.
Take care, Malcolm

On Sun, 2014-05-25 at 12:31 -0800, Ron wrote:
Trying again.
I just sent this but it did not seem to go anywhere except to my sent mail.

No exotic bugs :-)
I should have said that although the usual reason for men to catheterize
is enlarged prostate (BPH) but in my case it is a stretched and large
dysfunctional bladder that makes it difficult for meds coming in from
the kidneys to actually touch all of the surfaces of the bladder which I
guess might explain the seemingly high residual bacteria count and is
the reason I wanted to go the opposite route.
Now, from all these great replies here, I will think about what to pre
flush the bladder with before doing the CS.
Really great!


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