Hi, Colin.  I must have missed your original post.  What kind of cancer do
you have?   There is a good site on
yahoo... 'cancercured' that you might want to ck out.   I am an 8 yr bc
survivor and have found it very helpful.
Lola H.

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 1:59 AM, Colin Smith <magicmagi...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> From Colin Perth ref Cancer Treatment..
> Sincere Thank you for the encouraging replies... its all a bit
> overwhelming at the moment which I guess is not surprising.
> I suppose the first and fundamental question I have to answer is do I
> refuse/delay the suggested "Traditional" treatments (X-ray plus big "take
> everything out" operation) while I investigate/ try alternatives? Is this a
> responsible thing to do? I know we are all responsible for ourselves but it
> is never that simple is it? I have 2 boys aged 4 and 11 and I really want
> to see grow into the wonderful young men. (Proud to report I got my
> Senior's Card Age 60, and a baby bonus for Robin in the same year!)
> As I have no real symptoms it is hard to monitor results without MRI scans
> etc... It seems to be a slow growing thing, it is 4 years since my initial
> treatment and presumely the cancer cells were left behind there after my
> operation and so has taken quite a lot of time to reach a detectable size.
> Does anyone have any practical advise how I should proceed from here...
> due for discussions with Doctors next week when I intend asking many
> questions.
> I am seriously considering visiting Chris Teo in Penang for his advise and
> his herbal medicines, has anyone any experience of this?
> http://www.cacare.com/?subscribe=success#blog_subscription-3
> How can I put this, on one hand I have powerful pressure from Medical
> Doctors, family and friends to follow their methods and then I have a
> tremdous amount of information about alternative ways of treating my
> problem... it is very hard to know what course I should follow. I am
> reading everything I can about it but it does get confusing...
> A thought, one important factor for people following medical advise and
> procedures, whatever their doubts and fears might be, must be that at a
> time of stress and worry it is far easier to surrender oneself to a well
> trained, capable medical system than try to find ones own way.
> I probably am not putting this very well, I am not being told that I have
> no medical treatment options but I dont like what they are proposing one
> little bit. It all seems unreal anyway as I feel well not sick!
> All comments welcome.
> Finally a real silver-list question ... Is my taking C/S doing me any good
> ?"
> Colin confused in Perth
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