Doctors have been telling me my UTI is bladder infection.
I decided that it was prostatitis and that every time I used a catheter I was irritating the urethra to engender infection and pushing infection into the bladder. In short, no pun intended, infection is not originating in the bladder in my case.

A couple of months ago I started irrigating the urethra with CS _after_ every cath and since then I have had none of the low level fever that I had a lot and no other symptoms except cloudy urine and even that clears occasionally, somewhat, for no apparent reason
You have to really Google! a lot about prostatitis to put it together but my interpretation of the bottom line is that my problem at least is not a simple bladder infection and the allopaths do not care to discuss it. Too easy for them to just say "bladder infection" and haul out the antibiotics for a temporary fix.

If "biotic" means "life" (and it does) then "antibiotic" literally means "anti-life".

I'm sure that somebody out there has been down this road and if you have any criticisms - Please do!


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