Ron, Ode Coyote makes gel kits at Here are the instructions:

 From: Ron <>
Sent: Friday, August 1, 2014 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS for prostatitis.

Cyndi, I didn't know that. Maybe what I'm doing then is good.
Those silver coated catheters Are "indwelling" catheters that stay
    installed semi permanently. The silver coating prevents a biofilm
    from building on the catheter.
I use "outdwelling" ones so no bacteria biofilm buildup occurs but:
There still is the likelyhood that infection in the urethrra is
    carried into the bladder and that keeping infection minimal is
    effective. At least in my case. And the CS seems to be doing that.
I probably won't tell the Dr. what I'm doing. Some Docs have a
    tendency to 'blame the patient' for his own illness and this not
    being Standard Care (approved by the Standard Medical Criminal
    Enterprise) gives the Doc that opportunity. He possibly could put
    his license on jeopardy  for condoning it and most certainly could
    not advocate it.
I will ask him about silver gels as a catheter lubricant though.
    Amazon has some but they are darned expensive and I'm not sure if
    they are water soluble.

Thanks again, Cindy.
