Being related to circulation, another more expensive option is PEMT (Pulsed 
Eletro-Magnetic Therapy). Bemer has a video on YouTube about its effect on 
cataracts. I suspect a Rhumart might have similar effects as they both increase 
circulation. Not cheap, but we have found PEMT very useful for things from 
bruises to joint issues.



From: Bernadette Burch [] 
Sent: Thu, Oct. 23, 2014 14:02
Subject: Re: CS>Question about CS and eyes


Yes lots of exercise.  Walk quite a bit with dogs, grandchildren and great 
grandchild.  Work in the vegetable gardens and can, etc. all summer.  I don't 
go to the gym as I don't like to go there.  Husband and I don't sit still too 
long as there is always something to do.  So all that said.....I hope I don't 
have to start going to the gym!

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 23, 2014, at 4:47 PM, PT Ferrance < 
<> > wrote:

It is my understanding that cataracts are related to circulatory issues... not 
moving the debris out of the lens.  Do you get any exercise?




From: Bernadette Burch < <> >
To: <>  
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 4:43 PM
Subject: CS>Question about CS and eyes

I am a 70 year old female in excellent health, and I do not take any 
medications.  I do not wear prescription glasses.  Today at my annual eye 
appointment the doctor said all was good; eyes changed slightly but still no 
glasses needed.  He then said he could see start of cataracts, but nothing to 
worry about for a long time.  My question is would a daily eye wash of CS help 
prevent any cataract formation?  I do use CS eye wash when I get dirt or a bug 
in my eye to flush it out or when I wake up and would have some pasty eye 
feeling and this knocks whatever is forming straight out of eyes. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thank you.


Sent from my iPad

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