The bible is jive turkey spin on much earlier writings.  The King James 
Version is government propaganda.  Why else would they be everywhere for 
free?  Modern scholars say it has something like 30K translation "errors". 
 Look at the relevant stuff they excluded in the final cut, and you begin 
to get a sense of their intent.

We have been had, big time.

James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Marshall Dudley []
Sent:   Wednesday, October 27, 1999 9:12 AM
Subject:        Re: CS>Garlic and Mullein oil

I am amazed at the number of people on this list familiar with this 
All I can say is that the Bible made no sense to me until I read the 12th 
and now it all makes perfect sense.  I see absolutely no arguement between
creationism and evolution, science and the Bible, they say exactly the same
thing!  But I cannot get into arguements because people want to argue their 
narrow view of both, when in fact in the wide view they are both correct.

Such passages as "the sons of the gods found the daughters of man beatiful 
took them as their wives" make absolutely no sense until you realize that 
gods is plural in the Bible, it is speaking of aliens.  Once you realize 
the original passages Genesis came from said "period of time" instead of 
you discover that the sequence of events for the creation of the universe 
identical between the Bible and what science has now determined.

I find all the arguements between the Bible and science to be totally
groundless, except I do take issue with scientists that say that God does 
exist.  However science can neither prove nor disprove that, so that is 
just an
opinion of that person, not grounded in science.


Sam Earle wrote:

> Also, folks, mainstream science via the popular press has reported the
> mathematical probability of a 10th planet (or 12th, if you prefer) 10 
> the size of Jupiter, way out beyond Pluto's orbit, that's deflecting the
> orbits of comets and distorting all their calculations for the solar 
> We may meet the Anunaki before we're finished here.
> Can't wait.
> Sam

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