Hi Brickey,
Unfortunately, you can lead an MD to wisdom, but he might not partake. 
I told my surgeon I simply wouldn't comply with abx after my surgery, but would 
religiously drink CS and said, 'You know, like what they put in newborn's 
eyes?' That seemed to register and my rapid recovery later confirmed that my 
method was sound. Fortunately, I went home the next day, so he had no control, 
but his checks on the stitches, the visiting nurses' reports all supported my 
I've often wondered if a loving family member could say it was 'holy water' 
from the local priest if that would go over. Religion is a sticky issue that 
most docs don't want to touch.

A friend of mine couldn't hold down food after wa-a-ay too much cancer 
treatment. They put liquid feed down her but it wouldn't stay. I finally asked 
for an empty container with the ingredients and %s and took it home. She'd been 
begging for organic carrot juice, and I was able, by checking the 'Nutrition 
Almanac' to prove to them that everything they were trying to give her was 
already in the juice and in better quantity and quality. They agreed and put 
the juice in her feeding tube and she began to stabilize and even gain weight! 
Their only complaint was that an occasional root hair would clog the tube, but 
they had to admit the patient had known what she needed.

Be well,
On Dec 27, 2014, at 1:14 AM, brick...@aol.com wrote:

> Hi
> My knee replacement surgery I bought a bottle of water with the hospitals 
> name on it. I had my daughter replace their water with my EIS. I kept it on 
> the table by my bed and nobody complained. All thought it was hospital water. 
> Note that I did not ask them for permission. I set a hospital record for a 
> post surgery knee bend of 111 degrees. I have learned to not even try to 
> educate my DRS.
> Brickey
> In a message dated 12/26/2014 9:47:02 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
> bhangcha...@gmail.com writes:
> If you have any suggestions please let me know thanks - Michael Mckenna