Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:53:40 -0800
Subject: CS>CS Nebulizer Recommendations?

Hello all,I don’t write here often, but often read and appreciate the 
information and viewpoints you all share; thanks!Based on input here, we ended 
up getting a Pure Water Mini Classic CT distiller and SG7 and are very happy 
with them. There are certainly more affordable ways to get the job done, but if 
it fits in the budget (and space…) these are nice to work with and make it 
relatively easy to make gallons of consistent CS/EIS (I understand the SG7 
makes mostly EIS and some CS).
We’ve been hesitant to drink much of the CS/EIS as we don’t want to interfere 
with gut flora. And we also understand the stomach is not an efficient route to 
get it into other areas of the body (unless you haven’t been eating so long 
that your stomach is no longer producing hydrochloric acid). So we’ve been 
swishing it in our mouths for minute(s) and then spitting it out. So far this 
has seemed to resolve any sensitivity in teethe/gums fairly quickly (from one 
several minute swish to repeated ones over 2-3 days). It also seems to help 
some with sore throat symptoms. Also tried spraying a bit into each ear canal 
today when soreness headed that way (some kind of flu that has given us mostly 
mild symptoms) and it seemed to help quite a bit.
## I can only pass comment from a personal perspective on this passage...I 
ingest a small "maintenance?" amount each morning before breakfast when the 
mouth is driest by swallowing half immediately and swishing other half around 
under the tongue for a few minutes, then I swallow that.  If I feel onset of 
cold/flu I ingest a 250ml/8 ounce glass morning and night for 1-3 days 
{swishing and swallowing}, and preferably freshly made to try and maximise ion 
intake.  My gut flora has never been compromised in all the years I've been 
ingesting my home made stuff, either freshly made or from storage.
A few years ago a family member developed white "lesions?" on tonsils, which is 
usually a sign of onset of tonsillitis, a glass of silver swished/gargled and 
then swallowed, and then a mouthful gargled and swallowed on odd occasions 
throughout the day got rid of those lesions by the next day.  I had trouble 
accepting and believing that would be possible, but seeing it forced me to 
believe it.

Other cautions, advice, and recommendations are all welcome.Best regards,