So very true D - so the bottom line is simply to do for self what self can 
accept and work with - this is a life long process called personal work - 
Take good care and have a wonderful 2015 - am now back home out of that cold 
you are experiencing over your side.
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 4 Jan 2015, at 08:50, Dee <> wrote:

But you have to be careful with even huge amounts of vit c because it depletes 
things like iodine which are so necessary for health.  It is very tricky 
upsetting the balance of things as everything is so finely in tune and acts 
synergistically.  It is really important to the body to make sure that the 
digestive system and bowel is receiving optimum attention because this is the 
hub of the immune system, and the way nutrition is used.  I have found triphala 
to be amazing for this and it works with the body in harmony...dee 

Sent from my iPad

> On 4 Jan 2015, at 02:09, Sandra George <> wrote:
> Thanks for this one TJ - it is fascinating to me, having had long discussions 
> over the Season with researchers into virus,
> that penetration is the one block for anything - the mere fact that a virus 
> is not considered to be ALIVE makes it even
> more fascinating to me.    Which brings me to the bottom line - that it is 
> not possible to always reach a virus at all.
> Keeping the immune system at the highest level of health appears to be the 
> only defence we can hope to achieve with
> virus !!!!    After my own personal experience with the Chicken V - knowing 
> how it has weakened my body, immune system and generally aged me to a very 
> serious degree - a virus is no joke - herpes is nothing compared to others 
> out there believe me, I have suffered from outbreaks of this one over at 
> least 55 years of life - having watched this video I
> will now pay more attention as to how this one now works with the knowledge 
> of Vit C from this video - I usually take 
> at least 2000 of Vit C every day - was this what helped to stave off the 
> Chicken for as long as it did before the virus
> won ?     I do not think I was taking that much Vit C during the first three 
> weeks of the event, as I was concentrating more on the intake of EIS ?!!!    
> Just goes to show when you do not know, you simply do not know !!!!
> Have a wonderful 2015 of good health and more knowledge with which to fight 
> whatever comes your way !!!!
> Regards and thanks once again.
> Sandee🐬
> Attitude is everything !!!
> Sandra George
> Colloidal Silver Products
> Eye Drops & Topical Gel
> On 3 Jan 2015, at 20:09, TJ Garland <> wrote:
> Watch the video
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