You're very welcome...Dee

Sent from my iPad

> On 8 Jan 2015, at 17:08, RaVen <> wrote:
> Thanks so much, Dee, for your clear instructions. 
> Kindly, 
> RaVen
> On Jan 7, 2015, at 12:59 PM, Dee <> wrote:
> If you are in the States I believe Walmart do good distilled water at 
> reasonable cost.  You can use plastic as long as it is PET 1 ( it'll be on 
> the bottom) you fill it up almost to the top but leave enough room for the 
> generator not to sit in it.  It has two little levers on the top which you 
> move to Auto and Swap mode once turned on you will observe a light which will 
> go from red to green and when they switch off, the CS is ready. If you bought 
> the mag stirrer it will stir automatically.  Good luck....Dee
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 7 Jan 2015, at 18:34, RaVen <> wrote:
>>> Hi CS Folks, 
>> I now have a silver puppy but its instruction is kind of over my head with 
>> its technical mumbo jumbo. 
>> Qs: 1) Do I buy distilled water from a store and is plastic jugs okay/safe? 
>> 2) If not from a store, where else would you recommend I buy a distilled jug 
>> (glass would preferrable in my book)? 
>> 3) If none of the store provides the type of distilled water, where can I 
>> purchase online?
>> 4) I have a small pint of jar from the silver puppy. 
>> How much distilled water do I fill it in?
>> How long do I let it stir? 
>> How do I know when it's ready? 
>> Do I store it in a cool dark place in a glass jar?
>> Thanks for your patience and I'm curious how it'll all turn out. I am not a 
>> technical/mechanical person so this is making me a bit nervous but I hope 
>> with your kind guidance, I'll get it. 
>> RaVen