Lola, if that makes you a fuddy duddy, I'm one too. 69 years old, and some of the reasons I don't want to change is that my memory is not what it used to be, not that it ever was, and I have physical challenges that make it difficult for me to spend much time at the computer, and vision problems that make it hard to read the screen at times. I do NOT want to spend my limited computer time figuring out different formats, and programs that I won't remember the next time I sign on anyway. I still use Thunderbird for my email. It works fine with surprisingly few glitches considering how old a program it is. I tried newer ones a few years ago, but not one single one of them could organize my incoming mail directly into folders the way I like, without me having to have a huge "everything" folder containing duplicates of all emails. I hated them all. Gmail imho is one of the worst. For the groups/lists that do not play nice with my ancient Thunderbird, I use hotmail.

I know how to use what I've been using for years without thinking about it, so I get a a lot more done in my limited time to sit at the computer. This is IMPORTANT to ME. It is a definite quality of life issue.

On Feb 16, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Lola Harris < <>> wrote:
As for this site being unappealing in appearance and format? I like it just fine. It seems I am constantly updating and have ever changing email formats for instance. It is exhausting sooo... I like things that stay the same and aren't constantly being changed, seemingly at times, just to be changing or under the guise of 'improving'. Does that make me a fuddy-duddy? Lola

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