Hi Sol:

Yes, I always clean the container with hydrogen peroxide, then rinse with distilled water.

Yes, your EIS will be completely fine.

You don't have to go crazy to get a good end product, especially with the Silverpuppy or Silvergen. :o)


On 2/20/2015 6:47 AM, sol wrote:
I have cleaned my SG-6  brew jar (gallon) and installed brand new
I don't remember you mentioning if cleaning with peroxide is ok? Well
rinsed afterward with DW, wiped dry with clean paper towelling.
Electrodes wiped with paper towelling wetted with DW.

The DW reads 1.7 uS on my PWT.  Not 0.3 unfortunately, but the best I
have at the moment.

I have set the generator to the lowest setting, and plan to check tyndal
when it shuts off.
 From there I will decide whether to stop at that point and check uS or
raise the setting a bit and check again and so on to see how the tyndal
changes, and whether I have sparklies at any point.

I don't expect to get  a 10 uS product with no or faint tyndal and no
sparklies but I should get a much better product, right?

I no longer have a distiller, so 0.3uS distilled water isn't going to be
available, and to be honest, I don't see me ever getting another
distiller and double or triple distilling to get the water down to that
level. Just can't manage it anymore.

what do you think?

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