Oh silly me!  Sorry Sandee, senior moments again!  Dee

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> On 22 Feb 2015, at 14:34, Sandra George <oha...@juno.com> wrote:
> You misunderstand me - a water fast is not devoid of water it is done only 
> with water - no food only water and is one of the best detoxes I have found 
> to be totally efficient because it rests the digestion system and allows for 
> release of toxins !!!
> Sandee🐬
> Attitude is Everything
> Colloidal Silver Products
> Eye Drops & Topical Gel
>> On Feb 22, 2015, at 7:45 AM, Dee <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:
>> That's very interesting Sandee, and I would reiterate that water fasting is 
>> a VERY bad idea.  With any illness or virus attack it is really important to 
>> keep water intake up as this is the body's lifeline.  I know with my husband 
>> whom I lost last year, that dehydration caused kidney failure which then so 
>> weakened him that he lost the fight against numerous assaults even though 
>> they said he had beaten the cancer....dee 
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 21 Feb 2015, at 19:30, Sandra George <oha...@juno.com> wrote:
>>> Further to mine of today’s date on the same subject and to Victor himself - 
>>> I will expand on my experience which is, that as of the first week of 
>>> August last year, the original onslaught of this virus was not STOPPED by 
>>> Colloidal Silver - when I started to feel that I was getting something I 
>>> increased my daily intake of CS up to 28 oz over a day - this may have 
>>> helped to have reduced the impact however I repeat did not STOP the attack 
>>> !!!!!      Admittedly I was very stupid in so far as, after having this 
>>> feeling of malaise for ten days, I went on a water fast for ten days to 
>>> detox my body, while still taking this increased amount of CS per day, this 
>>> is when the virus said - thank you very much for this act so as to allow me 
>>> to attack with a vengeance - which it did - I have already posted my 
>>> experience, so will not bore those of you who many have read my missive the 
>>> first time, with a replay - after about three weeks, I developed all the 
>>> symptoms of this virus namely, intense pain, aches, rash and swollen joints 
>>> - I learned what the virus was, and went into action throwing the entire 
>>> kitchen sink of possible things to send it packing and on it’s way, nothing 
>>> worked, I even went as far as to use MMS something I will never do again.   
>>>   This is when I was doing all the research on this subject - thanks 
>>> Marshall for posting the piece on the latest research on virus generally, 
>>> http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-viruses-alive-2004/ which I 
>>> read at the time of my quest, thanks Ode for agreeing, that, how can one 
>>> kill something if it is not alive - both of you know far more about this 
>>> subject than I do so I appreciate the back up.   I have a cousin who has 
>>> just got their doctorate on virus and is off to visit with the Ebola up 
>>> close and personal with whom I had a long talk while I was in London in 
>>> December of last year - I related to her my experience and what I had 
>>> gleaned from my research and like both of yourselves she was not going to 
>>> commit to anything for sure - this is one of the downsides of research - at 
>>> which point is the truth or reality reached?
> --
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