Hi Gail,

Sorry about your CFS. I agree with you completely about needing a
combination of things. I believe that no matter how effective CS or any
protocol might be, it is easy to render them ineffective with overwhelming
toxic intake or nutritional deficiencies - and sadly, most of us are
probably a victim of both to some extent.

And sometimes we are shooting at the wrong target... for example, I had a
growth on my leg that I could not get rid of. About the size of a pencil
eraser, I thought it was a wart at first. But trying wart removers did
nothing but give me pain. Then I tried CS, and nothing happened. I finally
tried the Beck Protocol, pulsing the spot directly. Still nothing. Finally,
many years later, I had some trouble with my teeth. So I focused the pulser
on my mouth during another round of the Beck Protocol, and to my surprise,
the growth on my leg vanished. My conclusion: some problem in my mouth was
feeding that growth/tumor in my leg. Research revealed that this is a
common theory for cancer as well.

About my teeth, CS and the Beck Protocol can stop the pain, but they cannot
heal my teeth. Only proper nutrition can do that, and that is exactly what
I experienced. Only when I discovered the guidance from Weston A. Price,
was I able to heal my teeth. And that remains a recurring battle, as I am
too lazy to maintain a perfect diet ;-) Although supplementing with some
key superfoods works like magic.

Hope you do eventually find a way to overcome that CFS.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 1:24 AM, Gail Naranjo <wanda85...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Victor,
> The Beck protocol has it's place, but it is not a cure all as is so often
> claimed.   I have CFS and used the Beck protocol correctly and continually,
> but it was not  a cure.
> I've noticed the lists that use to be so active have just about died out.
> It was a good run while it lasted, but, like I said, it's limited.  I think
> it's great for some issues, just not all.
> btw, I also feel the same about CS.  More often than not, it takes a
> combination of things to regain health, diet and supplements being at the
> forefront, imo.
> Gail
>   On Sunday, March 1, 2015 8:26 AM, Victor Cozzetto <
> victor.cozze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Since it is quiet, I figured I would throw this topic out there. I have
> only seen a couple of people mention the Beck Protocol here, and so I would
> like to mention it again. I noticed that it was curiously absent from the
> recent discussion of Rife and other energy therapies.
> In my experience, and to my knowledge, this is the single most effective
> protocol that I know of. It is also the protocol that is responsible for
> the famed 'immortal' blood.
> CS is one of its four parts, and I have mentioned this protocol before, as
> I have seen and experienced its effects.
> I would be curious to know if anyone else on this list has any comments,
> experience, or curiosity. As far as I know, there is nothing that cannot be
> cured by the Beck Protocol, when it is administered properly. And in recent
> years video testimonials have been posted here:
> https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBobBeckProtocol/
> I know we have lyme disease sufferers on this list, and you will find tons
> of information on the web recommending this protocol as a treatment.
> Victor