Hi Dee,

I have struggled myself with the idea of how to 'easily' get these devices.
Dr. Beck was amazing, as he traveled around and showed people how to build
these devices very cheaply, and he published all the schematics. However,
that is still not practical for most of us.

I have the devices from Sota Instruments in Canada, and I am not sure if
they ship to the UK. And it is expensive in any case, even without
shipping. There are various devices and plans published online, but I'm
afraid that my opinion is not worth much concerning those. Others on this
list know far more than I do. I have seen the 'Godzilla' zapper mentioned
here and elsewhere previously, and of course the Hulda Clark device was
just mentioned. But again, I am not sure if these are equivalent to the
actual Beck devices.

In late 2013 I actually purchased another set of devices from Sota, as they
were the only devices that I was confident in. However, that speaks as much
to my ignorance as my trust. I simply have not made enough effort to get
comfortable with alternatives, and I am too lazy to build my own. The Sota
devices have served me well, with my eight year old set still getting
regular use, and a new set in NY being used by family members. As Nancy
mentioned, the previous blood electrification unit was quite uncomfortable
for most people; however, the newer unit is much better, though still
cumbersome. I am curious about alternatives, so I will be educating myself

I imagine that you can get a device for making ozonated water in the UK,
and perhaps someone here has a recommendation. The Sota devices are good
machines, and I recommend them, but I also appreciate that cost and
logistics can be a deal breaker.

I hope others have better answers for you.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 5:51 PM, Dee <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:

> Hi Victor do you know if this is available in the UK only I get the
> feeling the postage will be prohibitive.....Dee
> Sent from my iPad
> On 3 Mar 2015, at 00:31, Victor Cozzetto <victor.cozze...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi RaVen,
> You are probably right, although I think I resolved all my nutritional
> deficiencies for the moment.
> The most potent superfood that I use is a combination of Fermented Cod
> Liver Oil (FCLO) and high vitamin Butter Oil (BO). The only source I trust
> for these items is Green Pasture, which brands their products as 'Blue Ice':
> greenpasture.org
> They also have a nice combo product called Infused Coconut Oil:
> http://www.greenpasture.org/public/Products/InfusedCoconutOil/
> If you research, you will notice that trusted distributers around the
> world are selling these Blue Ice products that are provided by Green
> Pasture. Dave and Barb Wentzel are supper serious about maintaining the
> quality and purity of their products. They are heroes in my book.
> Those are the products that I use when I think I need a 'supplement' for
> my diet - meaning that I take a small spoonful of the above products two or
> three of times a day. But I only do that when I think my diet is lacking. I
> also use their coconut ghee (ghee is basically BO).
> A similar combination is natto and ghee. These are foods, not supplements,
> so it can be easier to implement them into your diet (depending on your
> tastes). There are many different good brands of those products, but you do
> have to be careful, as there are many bad or fake ghee products these days.
> Natto is a Japanese food that can be difficult to find (It is fermented
> soybean).
> A key point to the above is the nutritional synergy between the products,
> so they must be taken together to have the maximum impact. For example,
> cooking natto and eggs in ghee is one way. Taking a spoonful of the Infused
> Coconut Oil product is another.
> Another important point is not what we add, but what we remove: No white
> sugar or white flour if possible. I use Einkorn and Spelt, which I soak and
> sprout sometimes. Grains block our ability to absorb nutrition, so they
> must be eliminated or processed properly - fermenting, soaking, souring,
> sprouting, etc. This is one of the 'secrets' that Weston Price found among
> all of the 'primitive' people that used grains.
> OK, so this email is too long. Sorry about that. I will send another about
> some 'fun' foods that I use to aid my nutrition.
> Victor
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:48 AM, ASL raVen <aslra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Victor,
>> I wonder if you have vitamin A deficiency? I learned that Vitamin A is
>> related to skin issues and teeth issues.
>> I read that fibromyalgia could stem from an infected root canal and sure
>> enough I had a lot of issues with my elbow and shoulder which matched tooth
>> that I had root canal on - I'm going to have it removed someday and see how
>> my health improves after that. (also see how it improves the FMS?)
>> What are the superfoods you mentioned about?
>> RaVen