Nope. Not even close.


On 3/6/2015 1:17 PM, Dee wrote:
But is Hep C the same thing as herpes? Dee

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Mar 2015, at 16:26, Olushola Camara <
<>> wrote:

You might find this of interest, which was posted on the yahoo coconut
oil group.

I recently was taking WOOO [wild oil of oregano] for Hep C because
it's been said it *easily* removes Hep C, but I had the highest VL
[viral load]  I ever remember having in 32 years @ 5.4 million. My AST
and ALT did seem to be lower than usual, at about 123 and 155,
possibly because of the WOOO.

I'm now on a new med called Harvoni for Hep C and my VL was 97 the
last I knew, and my AST an ALT were in the normal range at 28 each (0-44).

The reason I went for the med is that so many alt therapies rely on
anecdotal evidence, that I wanted something solid, something
documented and followed by bloodwork to chart my progress. I seldom
resort to meds but Harvoni is something that seems to do what many
therapies have only dreamed of doing for decades.
The trouble is with so many alt therapies that claim to eradicate this
virus or that virus is, that you have no plan of action, and no
documented people that cured with it. It's all anecdotal. I've tried
many of them and was not a happy when I found that they did little to
nothing for removing my Hep C. I'm sure many of them helped and they
did lower my VL, but as far as actually eradicating Hep C, that was a
false claim. I found out.

The closest thing I feel I did to eradicate Hep C, IMHO, was BMP
[BioMagnetic Pair] therapy. I had 4 sessions, one per day for 4 days.
I flew to Vallejo, CA for that in Sept 2012 to be seen by the best BMP
healer in the USA, Helena Guerrero. We tried but the best way to get
BMP is 1 session per week, but it was impossible for me to fly out
there and back once a week, or to stay in CA for 3-6 weeks while I got
1 session per week.
I know of another good BMP healer lady in Northern VA, but that's a 6
hour drive from here, each way, and I felt it would be too tiring for
me to attempt that, so I opted for Havoni.

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