Sorry about posting information on the wrong subject. I have to read more


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Dee <> wrote:

> But is Hep C the same thing as herpes? Dee
> Sent from my iPad
> On 6 Mar 2015, at 16:26, Olushola Camara <> wrote:
> You might find this of interest, which was posted on the yahoo coconut oil
> group.
> Olushola
> I recently was taking WOOO [wild oil of oregano] for Hep C because it's
> been said it *easily* removes Hep C, but I had the highest VL [viral load]
> I ever remember having in 32 years @ 5.4 million. My AST and ALT did seem
> to be lower than usual, at about 123 and 155, possibly because of the WOOO.
> I'm now on a new med called Harvoni for Hep C and my VL was 97 the last I
> knew, and my AST an ALT were in the normal range at 28 each (0-44).
> The reason I went for the med is that so many alt therapies rely on
> anecdotal evidence, that I wanted something solid, something documented and
> followed by bloodwork to chart my progress. I seldom resort to meds but
> Harvoni is something that seems to do what many therapies have only dreamed
> of doing for decades.
> The trouble is with so many alt therapies that claim to eradicate this
> virus or that virus is, that you have no plan of action, and no documented
> people that cured with it. It's all anecdotal. I've tried many of them and
> was not a happy when I found that they did little to nothing for removing
> my Hep C. I'm sure many of them helped and they did lower my VL, but as far
> as actually eradicating Hep C, that was a false claim. I found out.
> The closest thing I feel I did to eradicate Hep C, IMHO, was BMP
> [BioMagnetic Pair] therapy. I had 4 sessions, one per day for 4 days. I
> flew to Vallejo, CA for that in Sept 2012 to be seen by the best BMP healer
> in the USA, Helena Guerrero. We tried but the best way to get BMP is 1
> session per week, but it was impossible for me to fly out there and back
> once a week, or to stay in CA for 3-6 weeks while I got 1 session per week.
> I know of another good BMP healer lady in Northern VA, but that's a 6 hour
> drive from here, each way, and I felt it would be too tiring for me to
> attempt that, so I opted for Havoni.
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 11:40 PM, Lynn <> wrote:
>> Has anyone cured herpes type 1/ and/ or type 2 with silver? Thanks
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> *Resent-From: *
>> *From: *Ode Coyote <>
>> *Subject: **Re: CS>AC voltage*
>> *Date: *March 4, 2015 at 3:12:44 AM PST
>> *To: *
>> *Reply-To: *
>> 25 volts at 50/60 HZ does not impart enough velocity to the ions to get
>> them far enough away from the electrodes to not be sucked back on when the
>> polarity changes.
>> To use that "SWAP" frequency requires around 1000 volts.
>> Minimum at 25 volts would be around 1 minute between polarity shifts and
>> that will be very slow as it takes around 20 seconds out of a cycle for the
>> electrochemistry to unwind and reverse.
>>  3 minutes goes at about the same rate as DC
>> Anything over a few seconds is very difficult using analog timing
>> circuits, longer is harder and less reliable/accurate.
>> That why I finally went digital.  A computer can count infinite
>> milliseconds effortlessly and get it right every time with a 5 minute
>> interval.
>> Ode
>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Reece Maxey <> wrote:
>>> Has anyone used a low, ie 25 volts, AC power source for a CS generator?
>>> Any ideas about posslble success if using? Seems to me it would compare
>>> with the swapping DC method. Thanks.
>>> Opa
>>> Sent from my iPad
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