Jeff, I just remembered about a friend who had chronic bladder infections and 
the doctors finally told her she would just have to learn to live with them.  
She started researching nutrition and found that Vit A deficiency will cause 
the bladder lining to become like a petri dish and bacteria will just grow 
uncontrolled.  She was too poor to purchase supplements but lived in the 
country where violets grew wild.  The leaves she told me were the highest 
natural source of Vit A.  She started cooking them like spinach and eating them 
in salads and before she knew it the bladder infections were gone.I thought you 
might be interested so you could do some research.  I believe at the time it 
was Adele Davis.PT
       From: Jeff <>
 Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 11:33 AM
 Subject: CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2015 #190
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div.yiv0419522275WordSection1 {}-->Thank you for your reply John. I was 
wondering if the MSM would do any good adding it to the CS irrigation, or if it 
would do better with her taking it by mouth. I was thinking to have her take it 
by mouth anyway and I think 1000 mg is a nice round number to use. As for the 
DMSO, that is something that the doctors used to use when doing this and it 
seemed to be effective. My thoughts are just using CS for a few treatments to 
kind of heal the exposed areas of said hamburger and then adding small amount 
of DMSO so there will be less or no irritation and the DMSO will allow the CS 
to travel past what it has already done to the deeper problem. I would love to 
do two treatments a day but she will not go for that. She hates the treatments 
and I am lucky to get two a week, but I am going to press for more. I am in 
full agreement with you that the more exposure to the CS the better. I keep 
telling her that it is only working while it’s touching the problem 
area.Something I had forgotten about that I rediscovered by accident is 
bentionite. I am also wondering if adding a pinch of bentonite to the CS would 
be of any benefit.   “Sorry, but I missed an ingredient in making salt water 
that is similar to tears or blood plasma.  For each pint of water, you add a 
teaspoon of salt and 1/3rd teaspoon of epsom salt.  These should be added after 
the silver water is brewed.”  -- Regards,  John Popelish    From: [] 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 9:35 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #190