Great to hear from you Neville, and glad that you are doing so well.  I have 
just been diagnosed with some kidney trouble, possibly due to high blood 
pressure. I am not going to take any meds either but try and lose weight and 
eat better.  Good luck with everything.....Dee

Sent from my iPad

> On 9 Nov 2015, at 12:16, Neville <> wrote:
> Because we are among ourselves here, I want to put an update, seeing has 
> September my episode.
> People can believe this or not, I am not phased by that at all, I have my own 
> beliefs, as so does other people.
> My MRI in September means I had a fairly comprehensive full service and tune 
> up.
> They were concentrating on any abnormality, cancer etc.  The MRI they shot 
> some hot stuff through my vein and sent it throughout, I believe, my body 
> system?
> My heart was perfect, no blocking or clogging arteries, anywhere else either 
> seemingly.
> My lungs were is good condition, no shadows or abnormalities, even though I 
> have been a smoker for near on 50 years.
> My liver was good.
> My kidneys were good.
> My bladder was good.
> My Prostrate contained 56cc, which is a little larger than normal, but 
> nothing to concern about with my age apparently, maybe it need to be looked 
> at someday, who knows?
> My Antigens showed my blood is damn clean, even a Doctor remarked on how good 
> my blood was...Surprise, surprise to someone, but not me <g>.
> There was more I cannot forget at the moment, but the above is enough.  I 
> chucked out the Epilepsy tablet after a couple of weeks, it was doing my head 
> in.  That drug only in perhaps a seizure, of which I had none.  I recently 
> another tiny tablet, breaking in half each day, I also binned, the other 3 
> days ago.  This is for fluid or something or other in the ankles or whatever. 
>  I am only on one tablet now, and I intend to bin that one as soon after my 
> MRI in February, or perhaps earlier if I have a mind to.  The Medico’s tell 
> me nothing, all they want to do is push drugs into people, I am not that type 
> of person, I have always said, I would rather die by my own hands than 
> someone else’s hands, I am not a slab of meat to be processed and hand over 
> to the Pharmaceuticals, only if emergency, which I guess was with me earlier.
> I inquired on this List many, many years ago sooner after my interest in EIS, 
> asking if anyone knew of our silver stuff could clear arteries etc, to clear 
> them from cholesterol or whatever, nobody could answer my question.  Well, I 
> am going to answer my own question right now here, this our silver absolutely 
> prevented my blood stream clogged of cholesterol or whatever else may clog my 
> arteries.  I put nothing by my mouth unless it is food or liquid.  There many 
> reasons for what I say about EIS, but todays life society and processed food 
> stuffs would must surely have done something to me by now?
> Remember, after 4 hours in a hospital, I discharged myself to go home to have 
> a sleep, advice I ignored for me to stay there in case I died during the 
> night, my BP was 220 when I was admitted in that afternoon.  I just said “Too 
> bad, everybody has to die someday”, and I signed the form and went home to 
> bed.  I went to a Doc the next morning and was re-admitted to hospital, but 
> of course I was not in a fit state by then, but I was still alive, hence at 
> midnight was flown to a City Hospital to try to stabilise my pressure in case 
> I needed urgent surgery, which was none.  At this point I am still walking 
> around and talking, nothing in my life has changed, except a very minor 
> speech impediment at sometimes, about .9%, nearly 100% in another 6 months 
> perhaps I'll be fine <fingers crossed?>, but I was a numpty for a few weeks.  
> My have done, and still do, my own Rehab.  Those therapist people were for me 
> are for quitters <g>.  Google and other things have been my "Therapist" and 
> "Rehab".  Although, I have only went to Google three times to help me write 
> this, far fewer than a few weeks ago that's for sure.
> My bleed was just near my left ear, which they were reluctant to do surgery 
> due to possible complications, and remarked being a quite unusual place for a 
> bleed.  Many of not reasons explained, but my bleed stopped in 24 hours, or 
> maybe earlier?  The bleed was 39x35x28mm, not large I suppose, but then I 
> have no idea of a bleed anyway, but enough to give me some trouble, even 
> today with words and spelling and sentences.  I cannot find answers to many 
> of my questions, as much as answers of why strokes occur, and of why some 
> people have a rapid recovery?  Many answers of which cannot be determined, 
> apparently?
> But I am certain of one thing, going on the MRI, this silver stuff seems to 
> have kept my body in pretty good condition over the last 10 or so years I’ve 
> been ingesting my every morning silver regime — and I am not blue either.  
> Could my silver helped my rapid bleed stop?  Who knows?  Did I not have a 
> more serious stroke? I have no idea?
> Maybe one day when I am dead, others me read this and give some thought and 
> consideration into how maybe this *is* really good stuff, maybe more good 
> than many may wish to admit, or believe, or understand?  As proof may cannot 
> be found regarding many things in life, my musings could be never be proven, 
> but I am saying it from my perspective today.  Hmmmm, may I have "Seen the 
> light", or "Been born again"....That's silver that is <g>.
> OK, I just wanted to say the above, since my episode happened a while ago, 
> and can still pester you lot with my BS ...LOL.  Have a nice day everyone 
> <BG>.
> N.