Didn't "baby grand" come up with that a few years ago?  any wave of miraculous results ?

On Aug 3, 2016 1:11 PM, Joe Huard <joeh6...@gmail.com> wrote:
May I interject a comment here? I am also a member of the microelectricitygermkiller group and Bob the list owner has devised a method to use the godzilla on Hep C via an enema attachment. He has it all posted in the files section, and has requested people who have Hep C to try it and post their results.


On 2016-08-03 2:38 PM, bobLists wrote:
they certainly don't .   their's no preferred current path for electricity through it.
using CS soaked sponge pads over liver area both sides does conduct some, but what, diffusely thropugh the whole body?  get beneath the skin it's all conductive to varying extents....

From: Ron [mailto:ron.ttr@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 10:15 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Hep C

You are likely right in that those methods probably don't reach the liver either.


On 8/3/2016 9:04 AM, Robert Larson wrote:

In my experience messing with zappers microcurrent using handholds foot bath arteries on the wrist veins on the wrist: worthless for Hepatitis C
if it is cleaning blood I never noticed a thing.  on the other hand CS very definitely has a profound beneficial effect on symptom management of hepatitis C.

On Aug 3, 2016 06:59, Ron <ron.ttr@gmail.com> wrote:
Good idea.

This is simply using a 12 volt battery to purify the blood. Very effective I believe.


On 8/2/2016 3:07 PM, Shirley Reed wrote:
It would not hurt to look into the zapper for this ailment and any other, imho.  don croft makes one that is inexpensive and super easy to use.  I do not sell this or anything else,  but have used one for 15 years and it has relieved the pain of osteoarthritis in my hands and has taken down swelling and redness during that time.  My neighbor has had at least 2 surgeries and now has paddles for hands and still hurts all the time. I told her about it three times and then saw it was no use.  Best wishes,  pj
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 If a man is deep in the woods, with no woman around, and says something, is he still wrong?