Thanks Ode and Tony.  Not knowing much about electronics, perhaps it is best I 
try to find some to purchase.PT

      From: Ode Coyote <>
 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 5:33 AM
 Subject: Re: CS>colloidal copper - OT
It takes around 20 volts, not 'real' high.Copper is entirely different than 
It doesn't produce Ions, conductivity doesn't increase, therefore it will never 
have current "runaway"..meaning:  Current controls aren't being used and a 
conductivity related "Auto Off"  will not work.
Colloidal copper does not register on any meter making them TOTALLY useless.
Colloidal copper has no flavor or color.
The only way you can tell you made anything is with a laser pointer to view the 
Tyndall Effect [light beam] and that doesn't say much about  'how strong'
Do not mix silver and copper as copper will pull every trace of both out of the 
water and drop it to the bottom as a black fuzz.[and/or other weird things]It  
is also a good idea to use a jar other than your silver batch jar to make 
Be aware that, because both copper and silver use Selenium to control these 
metals levels, internal consumption of too much copper can be toxic and may 
alter your ability to eliminate silver.  Selenium supplementation may be 
advisable. [ But don't over do that as to much Selenium is quite toxic ]
You can probably use the faraday calculator to predict PPMOde

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 5:03 AM, Tony Moody <> wrote:

Hallo PT, Yes, normal house wiring copper is fairly pure. But it requires 
special equipment to make pure copper colloid. ( think it is very high voltage 
required) However, from memory, making colloidal copper-silver with a silver 
maker is quite possible: Make some colloidal silver, then swap the silver rods 
for copper rods and complete the process. How to check the ppm or strength? 
Keeping quality? particle size? Hmm. There was a discussion of the subject some 
years ago. Dont trust me , go to : maillist.html I typed in 'copper' and there is a wealth 
of info there. :-)) OK, Tony

On 16 Jul 2018 at 22:35, PT Ferrance wrote about :Subject : CS>colloidal copper 
- OT
Hello,There has been a conversation going on about the need for copper in the 
body and people have written about colloidal copper. Has anyone on this list 
made colloidal copper? If you have how did you do it?Thanks.PT