As I have reported here several times before, acid will hurt the stability
of CS.  That is why I use baking soda to increase the ph of CS/aloe vera to
7.  Anyway, my experience has been that the stability is reduced so that a
CS which is normally stable indefinitely will aggregate and drop out in a
few days to a week.  This is using 5 ppm HVAC CS.  If the particles are
larger or the ppm is higher, then the time is probably less, possibly much

Anyway, I have often recommended putting CS into a glass of water before
drinking for this reason. This will both reduce the acidity of the stomach
and dilute the CS, both reducing aggregation.  I believe that dilution,
either with a glass of water, or from the liquid normally in the stomach
increases the time for aggregation sufficiently for most of the CS to make
it through the stomach wall.


Steve King wrote:

> All-
> I had an interesting experience with CS recently
> that made me really question the effectiveness
> of CS taken internally. . . at least with normal
> methods.
> The other day, I grabbed a clean glass off the counter
> top and poured in my usual dose of CS. The normally
> clear (nearly) CS immediately turned bright yellow
> and then milky.  It was amazing. Like a message
> from God. After looking around the room for signs of
> angels or devils, I ruled out supernatural causes and
> investigated further.
> It turned out that my wife had earlier taken some
> vitamin C from that same glass in the form of
> pure ascorbic acid crystals mixed with water.
> So there was a residue of ascorbic acid on
> the glass that I thought was clean.
> So as an experiment, I assembled four clean
> glasses and filled two with fresh clear CS.
> The third glass was filled with pure water and
> 2 grams of ascorbic acid crystals. The fourth
> glass filled with pure water and a few grams
> of baking soda.
> To test the effects of acid PH on CS, I took
> an eye dropper and slowly added the vit C
> solution to the first glass of clear CS. Within
> a few drops the CS was bright yellow with
> milky streak and a very strong tyndall where
> before there was none.
> To test the effects of alkaline PH on CS, I rinsed
> the dropper and then added drops of the
> baking soda solution to the second glass
> of CS. The baking soda solution had no
> discernable effect on CS, no matter how much
> was added. The CS solution stayed clear
> with no Tyndall throughout. I was then
> able to add some of the vit C solution to
> the baking soda/CS mix without reaction.
> Some possible inferences. . .
> Acid PH wrecks CS, causing small silver
> particles to instantly clump together
> into large, colourful groups.
> Taking CS on an empty or acid stomach
> may be less than optimal, unless baking
> soda is taken first.
> When generating and storing CS,  acid
> PH may be causing larger silver particles
> and settling that is often attributed to
> other factors.
> Acid PH could be introduced by water
> of marginal purity or containers that
> aren't PH neutral.
> Combining CS with an acid drink such
> as orange juice may substantially reduce
> the effects of the silver.
> It may be advisable to use baking soda
> during the generation, storage and
> ingestion of CS.
> I know that both Brooks and Bruce
> have commented favorably on the
> use of baking soda but until my little
> vit C accident, I had no idea how sensitive
> CS is to its PH environment.
> cheersthen,
> Steve King
> cc: Bruce Marx
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