david moskovits wrote: thanks wonder if anything can help




You (and others) might be surprised by the power of petitions. I used to
think, "Why bother?" until I heard reports from the organizations that
sponsor the petitions. They told us petition signers that all those
signatures really do make a difference--and that on a given issue, the bully
agency (whichever one it happened to be at the time) backed down because it
was flooded by so many objections.


Bullies need to know that others will stand up to them. It's the basic
"power in numbers" principle.


So don't despair. Your signature DOES make a difference.


Nenah Sylver, PhD


author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases 

NEW 5th Edition

 <http://www.nenahsylver.com/> www.nenahsylver.com  


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