Neville, you are one I will sorely miss, but I'm faced with limited options.  I 
have done all I can to block the Troll, including contacting my email provider. 
 Somehow, she/he/it has penetrated all efforts.  I think my only remaining 
option is to change my email address.  Just what I need - another email address 
to monitor.  As I mentioned in my original boost, I now have over 700 emails to 
deal with.  A large number are The Troll.  Just the process of deleting 
him/her/it unread has become exhausting.

From: "Neville Munn" <>
Date: Thu, Sep 23, 2021 7:40 pm
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

  Hmmm, well I blocked her/him/it/them.

  Don't let one rotten egg spoil things for you Linda, there is a clown in 
every class, or in this case, a village idiot.

  He/she/it/them will not deter me from being here. There are 'plants' 
everywhere on the internet nowadays, we have to live with it I'm afraid.


  From: <> on behalf of Linda Ellis 

  Sent: Friday, 24 September 2021 10:24 AM

  To: <>

  Subject: CS>I'm being forced to quit this list.

  As much as I've tried, I'm not able to stop posts from the Troll. I have done 
everything I can, including contacting my email provider, but her posts 
continue. I'mworking on that. At this point, I have almost 700 emails - most of 
them from The Troll. I just can't deal with this. What are my choices? I hate 
the idea that I have to cut off all contact with this list, but honestly, since 
there seems to be no way to suppress The Troll, I have no idea what else to do. 
Yes. I have done everything I can think of to block her. Even having my email 
provider do some special things to block her. It just didn't work.
  "Cyndiann Phillips">

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