What antibioitics did the woman use before she started silver?   Long term ABX 
have many damaging
effects.   Also, lots of Lyme people are put on Diflucan or Niazoral for the 
yeast they get because of the 
ABX, and both of those are severely toxic to the liver.

  Never heard of a problem with silver before.   Sounds like another scare 
tactic to me.

    Hello everyone!
    Personally "I" don't think this is possible or true but had to ask. Some 
woman in the Lyme ng told me that CS can cause liver damage. She claims her 
friend is near a liver translplant because of it. Is this at ALL possible???? I 
don't think so and think there must be something else her friend is taking that 
must have caused liver damage? Anyone know if there could be any truth to this 
or not???