I had Hep (A?B)  about 20 years ago.  My liver has never been better after 
several years of first LVDC and then HVAC silver.
Ask for the negative reference in any medical  literature.  None will be 
James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Nicole Fraser [SMTP:on_ne_change_...@yahoo.com]
Sent:   Saturday, November 20, 1999 4:14 PM
To:     silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject:        CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

 << File: ATT00000.html >> Hello everyone! Personally "I" don't think this 
is possible or true but had to ask. Some woman in the Lyme ng told me that 
CS can cause liver damage. She claims her friend is near a liver 
translplant because of it. Is this at ALL possible???? I don't think so and 
think there must be something else her friend is taking that must have 
caused liver damage? Anyone know if there could be any truth to this or 
not??? Thanks! Nicole:O)

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