Reply in text.
James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Fred []
Sent:   Sunday, December 05, 1999 11:53 PM
Subject:        RE: CS>Re: AC vs DC

James said:
Hi Fred,

Will you provide your reasoning and data for the statement:
"HVAC produces an inferior product - non-ionic and non-colloidal.
       (although possibly better for topical uses due to the high PPM

Reply - Per my previous post, HVAC will first release an ion of silver,
from the positive electrode - then the voltage reverses and it will be
attracted right back to the now negative electrode and gain its electron
which converts it to elemental silver (every bodies 'sludge'). The heavy
fluid circulation from the HV electrostatic forces blows it into the water!
Now,  this is a not a colloid or solution but a 'suspension' of very tiny 
particles with no charge. Thus, non-ionic and non-colloidal. I believe we
all agree on the higher bio-availability and effectiveness of ionic and
colloidal minerals!

JOH:   HVAC is noteworthy for remaining in suspension without protein 
additives.  This is attributed to a charge on the clump of metallic silver.

James said:
Also, I am very interested in how to obtain high PPM HVAC sol.  What do you 
call "high" PPM.
Fred replied:
The practical limit for an ionic colloid of silver seems to be around 25 
as we start forming crystals around that level. (People who do not 
their "cloud of ions" will have much higher levels in the cloud and thus 
propensity to form crystals and shorter shelf life.) The HVAC 'suspension' 
have a much higher limit of PPM (up to a sautration level) as there is no 
growth below a saturation level when no electric charges are present. I see
ads for 50-500 PPM and expect they are possible. Taking high PPM will of
course introduce an opportunity to overdose (blue), which I do not believe 
possible with a true 5PPM colloid.

JOH:  The manufacture of a popular HVAC, CS Pro Systems,  says their 
 machine tops off the mg/L at about 30 PPM.  To my knowledge the 500 PPM 
sols are not made with HVAC processes.

James said:
The LV stuff I used to make was effective, but had only about a 30 day life 
before a large amount of it fell out.  I presume its particle size was
rapidly increasing, and available silver was decreasing.  This does not
happen with the HV sol.  Nor has any of it ever changed color if clear when 
Fred replied - Short shelf life is an indication of crystals settling by 
They would not normally grow unless ions of silver were also present.
The PPM is the same (by weight) but the TDS would fall off! The HVAC 
should have minimal sized particles, no charge so no crystal growth and 
a long fallout time.

JOH:  In order for the particles to conglomerate, they must touch.  The 
positive charge reduces the probability  of collisions at the right 
velocity and contact angle due to the repulsion of like charges.

James said:
Regarding cone formation, could you give a little more detail about the
"...very powerful electrostatic forces."?
Would you explain the relationship between 60 Hz and "static"?
Fred replied - It is the electrostatic force that lifts the mass of water 
up to
the top electrode (above the water surface). Electrostatic forces, like 
can be appreciable. The electrostatic energy imparted to an ion is measured
in electron-volts and having 10,000 volts helps a lot. 60HZ is of course
alternating from positive to negative at each electrode, letting each 
particle take electric energy and give it up 60 times a second, while with 
(static) the polarity is fixed and a charge is taken and maybe minutes 
later given
up, but only if it ever reaches the other electrode or a crystallization 


JOH:  Thanks for your comments.
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