Like I mentioned earlier, estrogen dominance is associated with excess
tissue levels of copper.  estrogen dominance also causes everything from
thyroid receptor blocking, to endometreosis, fibroids, obesity, depression,
migraines, loss of libido, and enlargened prostate.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>colloidal copper?

>Copper is a toxic essential mineral.  This is true of lots of trace metals,
>small amounts are needed, but larger amounts are toxic.
>     Irritation of upper respiratory tract, headache, nausea, vomiting,
>diarrhea, chills, fever, aching muscles.
>     Ingestion:
>     Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
>     Skin Contact:
>     Irritation.
>     Eye Contact:
>     Irritation.
>     Chronic Exposure:
>     Damage to liver, kidneys, lungs.
>     Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
>     Wilson's disease.
>Dale Gillilan wrote:
>> We had a discussion on this list a few months ago about distilling water
>> using copper tubing vs. stainless tubing.  In that discussion it was
>> stated that copper tubing was NOT a good idea because it would produce
>> traces of copper in the water which is (or, was...) highly toxic.  This
>> is also one of the reasons for using .999 or better silver for making
>> CS.  Copper is often used as an alloy in silver (along with other
>> metals) to harden it.
>> Now, we're being told that copper is good.  I don't understand.
>> I haven't been on the list for a while, and perhaps I've missed
>> something.  Or, perhaps we were misinformed earlier.  Or, perhaps we've
>> evolved....8^}
>> Anyway, I would appreciate a clarification of why copper tubing is not
>> acceptable for a water distiller, but colloidal copper is good for us.
>> Thanks,
>> Dale
>> --
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