If a person continues to have a health challenge, then your are not
looking for the cause, infections have a root cause, I suggest you look
at the nutritional habits of the individual, I believe you will find the
answer there. If you have any questions email me privately.


ejohns9...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 12/11/99 5:00:19 PM Central Standard Time,
> planne...@email.msn.com writes:
> << How much do you use,Edith? I have a three year old that has ear infections
>  also. We have tried many products. Does the CS drip out eventually. Where do
>  you purchase your particular brand of CS?
>  Thanks for your input. >>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I use an eye dropper and put several drops in with cotton behind and then put
> a heating pad on top.  We do this a couple times a day for a couple of days
> whether he complains of pain or not just to be safe.
> A couple months ago he had one and his eyes looked that red and feverish and
> kind
> of glazed.  My daughter brought him in the wee hrs of the morning for me to
> care for.
> I put in the CS then waited 3 hrs did again and 3 hrs later put in some ear
> oil
> made with several herbs.  Shortly afterwards the red eye thing cleared up.
> He has had a terrible history of ear infections with much medication.  We are
> hoping
> this continues to work due to the amount of drugs he has already consumed.
> I bought this from the AIM company, the one that sells barley green and
> fiberblend if you
> are familiar with that.  I think the name is Earthwise.
> Edith
> --
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