
In the energy work called Reiki we use a sort of "long-distance" technique 
which can have surprising results.  This is the most non-invasive, 
non-malevolent therapy.....I'd be more afraid to be under a surgeon's knife!  
Recent experiments in quantum mechanics have shown that our ideas of 
separateness may have to be drastically revised.  Photons and other particles 
can communicate at faster than the speed of light (technically not supposed 
to be possible).  One theory is that they (and thus we - if you want to take 
that micro to macrocosm leap) are connected in some strange way we don't 
understand yet.  I think at the chi or qi level we are all connected and 
therefore the accessibility of information is not surprising.  
Be careful, but don't close yourself off completely.  Listen to your heart 
and your intuition.
As someone quoted recently on either the silver or rife list: "Not everything 
that is good is from the devil"!!  Fear is the mind-killer.



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