Odessa Lewis <ol...@webtv.net> wrote:

All healings comes from God. There is not
such as God that wants you to be sick, this
is a concept in the mind of man. If would be
so that we would have a very small and limi-
ted God.

Not that I want to sound, ahem "preachy" ? so all I will say is this isn't 
exactly so about the "healings". God is not the ONLY one with the powers to 
heal according to the bible. But yes, God does not want us to be sick..we abuse 
our bodies and man has brought it upon ourselves..and the human race just gets 
weaker and weaker:0(, with all the things we are ingesting..so I think it is 
important to take care of ourselves. :0) I wish I had when I was younger..lol 
yes sure 14, I am an old lady now..since that was 3 years ago when I got 
sick..;0) but truthfully I tried to.., I thought I did, but then old hope of 
getting rid of some acne set in because I didn't know of any alternatives at 
the time that worked, and I took an abx, erythromycine although I don't believe 
in drugs as they are harmful to our bodies, but I did and I know it weakened my 
body and to a degree I caused my own illness. But God allows things to let us 
see things on our own..He has a reason for everything right? !
So no I don't think God "caused" my illnes...:0)


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