Marshall asked :
                          < I had two people ask me if there was anything 
            surgery for CT. Said I would try and find out. Anyone? >

                    I find it efficacious to use a non-invasive and non-surgical
            modality for the management of Carpal Tunnel Sydrome . It is
            the Low Level Light Therapy. A light-emitting diode device is
             used for photonic biostimulation of the afflicted part.
             I have included a few URLs for your perusal and introduction
             to LLLTherapy or LED Therapy.  Good phytonutriceutical and
             colloidal mineral support will expedite functional recovery. You
             may communicate with me by personal email if you need any

                       http// 1 htnl

               With regards

"d.linen" wrote:

> I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
> resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
> is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
> supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
> the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
> really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery.
> I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
> about the syndrome and possible help for it.
> Diane
> wrote:
> > A couple of helps...
> > A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but
> > relieves for ages,
> > combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B
> > group vitamins,C,.
> > Look up Rossiter & associates for the exercises on the net...we found the
> > info there to be very helpful.
> > Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as
> > associated with caclifying tendonitis.
> > petemc
> >
> > >I had two people ask me if there was anything besides surgery for CT.  Said
> > I
> > >would try and find out.  Anyone?
> > >
> > >Marshall
> --
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