When my wrist hurts like anything, I use an ace bandage to hold a 3950
gauss therapeutic magnet on it overnight.  I get months of complete
relief.  I have only done this 2 or 3 times, but it is longer between
times, it never hurts as much as it used to, but maybe because I don't
wait for it to do so.  It isn't a problem anymore.  I have not been
diagnosed by a health practitioner.

"d.linen" wrote:
> I have carpal tunnel syndrome and when it's severe enough, I've had to
> resort to wearing wrist braces which keep the hand in a position which
> is less stressful. I've heard that there is a vitamin or mineral
> supplement that will help with this but I can't remember what it is at
> the moment. My brother had it and he had surgery for it but I'd have to
> really be in an intolerable situation before I'd resort to surgery.
> I'd like to thank all of you who have contributed to the information
> about the syndrome and possible help for it.
> Diane
> brpete...@msn.com.au wrote:
> > A couple of helps...
> > A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but
> > relieves for ages,
> > combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B
> > group vitamins,C,.
> > Look up Rossiter & associates for the exercises on the net...we found the
> > info there to be very helpful.
> > Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as
> > associated with caclifying tendonitis.
> > petemc
> >
> > >I had two people ask me if there was anything besides surgery for CT.  Said
> > I
> > >would try and find out.  Anyone?
> > >
> > >Marshall
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