I think it was Marshall who pointed out that AC reverses polarity at the
rate of 60 cycles per second, at least here in the States.  And that
consequently there is no anode and cathode since each electrode alternates
in that role.
The implication being that the colloidal particles that might otherwise (in
a DC process for example) possess the charge that gives them the catalytic
quality of a true colloid as opposed to the flatter or neutral qualities of
elemental silver may be lacking.

----- Original Message -----
From: <cking...@nycap.rr.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Colour and silver oxide (long) was CS Makers.

> Are you sure you've adjusted it correctly?
> I think you'll find that if you lower your "anode" a tad, that the water
> rise to enclose it in a inverted cone when you apply voltage.
> That's how I do HVAC CS.
> Chuck
> If it doesn't work, use a bigger hammer. If it breaks, it needed fixing
> On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 08:28:18 -0400, bill...@cheerful.com wrote:
> >The "Motherlode" uses HVAC and the cathode is immersed but the anode is
> >suspended approx 3/16ths of an inch above the water and arcs to the
> >It makes 1 gal of approx 8ppm in 2 hrs.  It uses 15,000v.
> >
> >Bill
> --
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