#...@#@  In a word...YUK!
 Sure shines up those rods though.
##  Started a batch with 25 drops of hydrogen peroxide in  DS. Run for 2
hrs at .8ma.
 Bubbles bubbles everywhere and stuck on all glass surfaces, nice
T.E.,slightly cloudy white, sour/bitter flavor with nasty aftertaste..not
just a clean metallic "bite", little darkening of either prod, no deposits,
bubbles stuck all over the bottom even after sitting all night.
 What the heck did I make?

At 11:41 AM 4/7/00 -0400, you wrote:
>##  An odd little experiment.
>  I got to wondering what would happen if i ran a generator on pure h2o2
>hydrogen peroxide.  When i submerged used rods into the h2o2 they instantly
>started releasing bubbles even before applying power.  I dipped a new
>silver rod into h2o2 and it didn't bubble...another old one did.
> The h2o2 ate up all the black stuff that was trapped in the pitted surface
>of the old silver rod and cleaned it quite effectively.
> Going back to the generator.
> I had to disable the voltage referencing circuit because the h2o2 was too
>conductive telling my generator to turn off. Running at a regulated current
>of .8 ma.
> It violently bubbled on both rods for a few minutes [oxygen release??]then
>one rod started producing twice as many bubbles as the other [normal
>hydrolysis??]...no black stuff yet...no color at all...got a fine strong
>T.E. very quickly. [not present in the h2o2]
> After 40 minutes:
> One rod darkening a little and still bubbling half as much as the other,
>the other emmitting violent bubbles appearing white.  Still no color...fine
>T.E., no sparkles, no deposits.
> Note: When hydrogen peroxide is depleted, distilled water is all that's
> Could be a great way to start a batch of CS? [Add a little hydrogen
>peroxide to the distilled water]
>  That's next. 
>It certainly cleans the rods! [even with no power] Gotta try it on a REALLY
>black rod and see what happens to the h202.
> KD'C/ k...@czen
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